How To Take Care Dhol ?

The Dhol, a vibrant drum from the Indian subcontinent, is not just a musical instrument but a vital part of our cultural heritage. This guide is designed to help you maintain your Dhol, ensuring it continues to produce excellent sound and lasts for many years.

Know Your Dhol

Understanding your Dhol’s design is key. It’s usually made of wood with two drumheads made from animal hide or synthetic materials. The type of materials affects the sound, so knowing what your Dhol is made from is important.

Everyday Care


  • Wipe the Body: Regularly dust off your Dhol with a clean cloth to keep it free from dirt and to prevent moisture build-up.
  • Drumhead Care: Gently wipe the drumheads with a slightly moist cloth. Avoid harsh cleaning agents as they can damage the drumheads and alter the sound.


  • Regular Adjustments: Keep your Dhol sounding its best by tightening or loosening the ropes or bolts that adjust the tension of the drumheads.
  • Protect from Weather: As a dhol wala you need to Keep your Dhol in a place where the temperature and humidity don’t change too much. Extreme changes can harm the wood and the drumheads.

Long-Term Maintenance

Storing Your Dhol

  • Safe Storage: When not in use, place your Dhol in a padded bag or case away from direct sunlight and heat sources to prevent damage.

Managing Humidity and Temperature

  • Control Humidity: Keep the humidity around 40-60% to stop the wood from drying out or getting too damp, which could cause it to crack.
  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Don’t store your Dhol in very hot or cold areas as this could lead to damage over time.

Professional Care

  • Regular Check-ups: Have a professional look at your Dhol every few years to check for any unseen damage or wear and tear. This helps catch issues before they become serious.

Customizing Your Dhol

  • Replacing Drumheads: If the drumheads wear out or you want a different sound, think about replacing them. Animal skins give a traditional sound, while synthetic ones are more durable.
  • Adding Decorations: Feel free to decorate your Dhol but make sure any additions don’t hurt its sound or structure.


Looking after your Dhol involves regular cleaning, careful storage, and occasional professional maintenance. By following these simple steps, you can enjoy your Dhol at its best for many gatherings to come.

For more detailed advice on specific maintenance techniques, consider talking to a professional Dhol technician.

By keeping things simple and focusing on regular maintenance, you ensure your Dhol remains a source of joy and pride for many years.


Clean the surface after every use, and the drumheads as needed, but at least once a month if you use it regularly.

Use the ropes or bolts to tighten or loosen them. If you’re unsure, ask a professional for help or look for a tutorial specific to your Dhol model.

It’s best to avoid them as they might contain chemicals that could damage the drumheads or the wood.

Take your Dhol to a professional for repair. Cracks can worsen over time and affect the sound and durability of your Dhol.